Saturday, June 29, 2013

Great Professional Development!

Yesterday, I attended Technology Day at Bay Path College sponsored by the Massachusetts Foreign Language Association.  It was such a great day.  I learned about a lot of new apps and even reviewed some that I already use. It was a great day.  I love to connect with colleagues and discuss teaching and learning.  I wish we had more opportunities to do this.
I cannot wait to play with all of the various technologies I heard about.  So far this summer I have been really focused on professional growth.  All week I have been working on updating our curriculum.  I wanted to integrate the AP themes, be sure we have incorporated 21st Century Skills into each unit and connect our units of study to the Common Core.  I have found some great resources and to collect them I am using Diigo.  This will allow me to share with colleague and they can also contribute to the resources.
I also created my first iMovie this week.  It is pretty simple but it is a start.  It is about the kitties in the gazebo and summer relaxation.  Unfortunately the kitties are not going back into the gazebo because of the Monday morning fiasco with Tepi UNDER the gazebo instead of IN the gazebo.  Well that's all for today.  Lots to explore next week!

Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Crazy Cat!
Well here it is the second day of summer.  It has been quite evenful so far.  I spent Sunday doing chores around the house then we had a great afternoon at Mikki Lessard's with the group of students visiting from Venice.  My students are having such a great time with them and everyone is learning from the others.  Yesterday was not so great of a day.  I was up early and wanted to read in the gazebo.  I brought out the three cats and went back into the house to get my coffee.  On my way into the gazebo, Tepi escaped and went immediately under the gazebo and deck.  I spent the next five hours sitting in the yard waiting for him to come out.  NOT FUN at all.  He finally came out about 12:30 and I managed to grab him.  He was so scared and his face was a mess.  He had cobwebs hanging all over his ears, his eyes and his whiskers.  He was so scared when he finally got into the house that he hid for two hours.  He is fine today  . . . everything has been forgotten.  I don't think I will forget the morning I sat in the grass just hoping he would come out.  Today I got up early again and played with my iPad.  Learned how to do some things with ShowMe.  I cannot wait to develop something.  That's all for today.  Hasta luego!